Chapter 17: Daily Journal: Creative Deconstruction!


We’ve discussed before that it is good to keep a good balance between multiple sources in our “inspiration gathering” process and to focus more on the “ingredients” of the projects instead of the ready-to-use “recipe”.
To get closer to the mindset of the creators we admire, we should try to adopt their way of seeing the world and collect the bits and pieces of ideas in a similar manner – but with our natural twist! Today, I’d like to try this approach and see where this thinking may take you on your creative journey.

Are you ready to play and dismantle some artwork to put it together again in your unique way? Check the steps below and have fun!

Art Journal Prompt:
Creative Deconstruction

1. Start with choosing a project you like by any artist you love. You can go to fine art, street art, mixed-media, scrapbooking, illustration – there are no limits here. Make sure you can examine all the details carefully – print it in colour and glue it to your Autumn Journal, or look in the book or on the screen in front of you – whatever works!

2. Study carefully the project details and try to make some “visual notes” in your art journal.

– make a colour swatch of the project you picked

– look for the characteristic elements, details, shapes and try to note them on your page

– are there any patterns or repetitive elements you can use? Take a note!

These are your project ingredients now!

3. Look at your “notes” and make a journal page in your natural style, including the extra ingredients you’ve noted. You can focus mainly on the patterns or elements or the colour palette, but there is no limit – take as much out of the inspirational artwork as you want!

Don’t go for a copy – focus just on the “raw ingredients” instead and use them in your natural way.

Once finished, look at both projects together.
How similar and how different from each other they are?
What is uniquely yours, and what did you “steal”?

How do you feel about your journal page?

I hope you will enjoy the process – no perfection or special skills are needed, so just let your inner artist play and experiment!

Let’s discuss our activities and insights during our “Art to Heart Chat” today

– I hope I can see you there!

Join me in the Private Live Stream our “Art To Heart Chat” is set up for
7pm CET, 6pm GMT, 1pm ET, and 10am PT!

You can check the exact time in your time zone by clicking the link:

Once I start streaming, you can join me and comment by clicking on the YouTube logo, or you can watch here if you prefer! All the Live Streams, including Art Dates (when we create together), are recorded and possible to watch later here or on YouTube through our private link!

See you soon in my Virtual Art Studio – the Live Stream Video will appear below!

With love


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