Winter Machines

Live Session with Finnabair

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Welcome to

Finnabair Art Studio

Energy & creative powers

Do you feel your energy going down from time to time and your creative powers get close to zero?

Personal style

Do you struggle to see your personal style and it is hard for you to simply let go and follow your inner creative voice?


Do you struggle with making decisions on what to do and how? Or your ideas seem to be nowhere to find, and your creative mojo is lost?

Your abilities

Do you question yourself, your abilities and get stuck in negative thoughts and self doubt?


Do you feel it is hard for you to get your work and life balanced and you struggle to find the time for your art practice?

How to deal

Do you want to know how to transform your approach to deal with creative blocks, fears, distractions, perfectionism and your inner critic?

Finnabair Mixed-Media classes

4 language versions: ENG, ESP, FR and PL

Forest Witch

Forest Witch Collage

Would you like to take a step into the world of imagination, where the ordinary turns into magical and the colours, textures and elements mixed together create the most unique, enchanting look?

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Tusia Lech
We'll be happy to answer your questions.

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